英検1級にチャレンジ! - Predicament -


発音は / prəˈdikəmənt /です。

サムネ 1.0x1.3 H3.2 H4-03

in a predicament
have a predicament:苦境にある
face a predicament:苦境に直面する
same predicament:同じ境遇
terrible predicament:ひどい状況
economic predicament:経済的苦境
find oneself in a predicament:自分が窮地に立たされていることに気が付く

Let me just say that we are in *far worse economic predicament than most people had predicted when we went into the Great Recession of 2008.(far worse:ずっとか悪い)

Robert Reich | Talks at Google


...You get a lot of calories *per your dollar, but you do not get a lot of nutrition. That is why we have poor people, financially stressed people, who are *obese and malnourished. It's a terrible predicament, what we've created with our food system.(per your dollar:一ドルあたり obese and malnourished:肥満かつ栄養不良の)

John Robbins: "Diet for a New America" | Talks at Google


You've found yourself in this predicament several times now. And every time, you *get trapped in this totally *preventable cycle.(get trapped:罠にはまる preventable:回避可能な)

Allie Brosh: "Hyperbole and a Half" | Talks at Google


To understand the predicament now faced by scientists, let's see how they got there *in the first place.(in the first place:最初の段階)

Mysteries of a Dark Universe






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  • メディア: 食品&飲料

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