英検1級にチャレンジ! - Inception -


発音は/ inˈsepʃən /です。

サムネ 1.0x1.3 H3.2 H4-03

Inceptionはラテン語の incipere「begin:始める、take in hand:引き受ける」が語源です。incipere は in + cipere から成る語で、in「in, on」+ cipere「take:取る、seize:捕まえる」の意味です。

from [since] the inception of ~:~開始以来
at the inception of ~:~の開始時
from inception to completion:始まりから完了まで

Why did police just start killing black people? There have been *state-sanctioned *dehumanization and violence against black people since the inception of this country.(state-sanctioned:国家が認める dehumanization:非人道的扱い)

Clint Smith | Talks at Google


And the *Czech people have always been *steadfast friends of Israel, the Jewish people, from the days of Thomas Masaryk at the inception of *Zionism.(Czech people:チェコ人 steadfast:確固たる Zionism:シオニズム、19世紀から始まるユダヤ人国家建設を目的とした運動)

PM Netanyahu's Speech at AIPAC 2015


Congress therefore gave massive *federal aid to build the Union Pacific, the Central Pacific, and later the Northern Pacific Railroads. But all three of these roads had huge *financial problems.(federal aid:連邦政府の補助金 financial:財務的な)
The Union Pacific, for example, was *mired in financial scandal from its inception, went bankrupt several times...(mired in ~:~に陥る)

Why Private Investment Works & Govt. Investment Doesn't


This was a rapid project, for those of you who are in the book industry, from the announcement of *submissions, which was November 2014. We closed submissions June 2015, so about six months later, and the galleys were ready by that August.(submission:提出)
The book hit bookshelves this past February, so about a little over a year and a half from idea and inception to *completion.(completion:完了)

WorldCanvass: Fracking and the Iowa Divide (Part 3)






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