英検1級にチャレンジ! - Discrepancy -



1 個々の事案について用いる場合は「数えられる名詞」
There were discrepancies between their explanations of the car accident.
2 状態を表す場合「数えられれない名詞」
There is some discrepancy between the results of the two studies.
発音は/ diˈskrepənsi /です。

サムネ 1.0x1.3 H3.2 H4-03

Discrepancy はラテン語の discrepare「sound differently:違って聞こえる」が語源です。
discrepare は、dis- + crepare から成る語です。dis- は「apart, off:離れている、バラバラになる」、crepare は「rattle:カタカタなる、crack:ひびが入る」の意味です。

discrepancy between A and B:AとBの間にある相違
discrepancy in [terms of ]~:~についての相違
discrepancy in opinion:意見の相違
huge / large/ major discrepancy:大きな相違

There's some discrepancy between what the Russian is saying and what the *Pentagon is saying in terms of some potential joint action. Can you clarify that? (Pentagon:米国の国防総省の通称 )
And, generally, is the President open to joint action in Syria with the Russians?

1/23/17: White House Press Briefing


There are discrepancies in the educational system. And *the majority of the time, I know this in New York City, the schools that *minorities go to, are not as *well-funded, are not as well-supplied, as white schools. (the majority of the time:ほとんどの場合 minorities:少数派の人々 well-funded:資金が十分な)
And so there is going to be a discrepancy, naturally, between minorities and between whites.

Michael Sandel:Justice What's The Right Thing To Do Episode 09 ARGUING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION


We have a lot of discrepancies, obviously, with Russia. But in the current environment, especially in the Middle East, it's a necessity to work together...

President Trump Holds a Joint Press Conference with President Macron


Rich people and poor people, there's a huge discrepancy in how long they live. There's a 10 year difference between them, you know, the rich and the poor.

Justin Long and Matthew Cooke: How to Get Great Bodies





こちらもおすすめ▢ 洋楽歌詞:Taylor Swift他
▢ カテゴリー:この英語聴き取れますか? 
▢ カテゴリー:ネイティブ英語に近づくhの脱落
▢ カテゴリー:ネイティブ発音に近づく英語のフラップT
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