高橋ダン English Channel 日本の貿易収支から読み解く構造的問題 製造からシフトし向かうべき分野は?!(8月19日)

サムネ 1.0x1.3 H3.2 H4


今日は高橋ダンさんという YouTuberの動画をご紹介します。ダンさんはもともとウォール街でトレーダーをしていて、現在は日本をベースに活躍されています。






* スクリプトは私が聴き取れたベースなので、必ずしも正確ではないかもしれません。



(9:44 - 11:58 再生ボタンを押すとすぐに始まります)


Japanese exports fell 19.2%.
You may think okay.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー

This is not that big of a deal but what is sort of a big deal in my opinion is exports versus imports.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (2)

Now, exports itself okay.
It's still positive, or yes of course it's supposed to be positive because the country is always exporting.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (3)

It's come, you know it crashed during the corona crash and now it's sort of making a comeback.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (4)

So, you may say this is not a big deal.
What I think is a big deal is Japan balance of trade.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (5)

Now Japan, a balance of trade is exports minus imports.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (6)

And this is a big deal because this right now recently over the last few years or so,

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (7)

it's been testing negative several times and Japan has historically been positive.

高橋ダン-01 - コピー (8)

Only recently throughout the last basically since Abenomics started has Japan’s balance of trade been more negative than positive.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー

And this is rarely pointed out in Japanese newspapers.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (2)

At least recently I haven't seen it much.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (3)

Since Abenomics has started the balance of trade has been more negative than positive as far as I can see.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (4)

And this is a problem for Japan given the fact that Japan still the machinery, sorry the manufacturing sector GDP has grown the most.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (5)

So, I continue to believe that while this happens right now.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (6)

This is happening because one of the reasons is not only Japan’s population growth

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (7)

but also because too much of Japan’s GDP is still relied on old-fashioned industries like manufacturing export.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (8)

This is not the way that Japan is gonna compete going forward.

高橋ダン-02 - コピー (9)

It's not.
we're gonna lose to Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, India, China.

高橋ダン-03 - コピー

They can make a lot of the same stuff cheaper and faster sometimes.

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (2)

So, this model really needs to be highlighted I think across everyone's mind business people and politicians that… 

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (3)

When export numbers come out please keep in mind the balance of trade,

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (4)

that this is continuing to be a very important I think issue for Japan and how Japan’s GDP is gonna grow going forward.

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (5)

Japan should be focused more on services, IT, technology also if possible, I think mining and commodities.

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (6)

Right now, prices are still historically low.

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (7)

It's a good time for japan with no natural resources to go to other countries and invest and get some resources in this area.

高橋ダン-03 - コピー (8)







▢ 高橋ダン English Channel
中国、月の土壌回収成功、米ソに続き3か国目 (12月17日)
日銀、物価安定政策に見直し必要との認識示す (12月18日)



#高橋ダン #カタカナ母音 #カタカナで英語の発音がわかる #英語学習 #投資