英検1級にチャレンジ! - Corroborate -


Corroborate ~
発音は/ kəˈrɑːbəreit /です。
「~と協力する」という意味の collaborate / kəˈlæbəreit / と綴り、発音が似ているので注意が必要です。

サムネ 1.0x1.3 H3.2 H4-03

Corrborateはラテン語のcorroborare、「strengthen, invigorate:強化する、活性化する」が語源です。
corroborareは、cor- + roborare から成る語で、cor- は「with, together:一緒に」を意味する com- と同語、roborareは「to make strong:強くする」の意味です。

corroborative 形容詞:裏付けとなる、補完的な
corroboration 名詞:1実証するもの、裏付けとなる証拠 2実証すること
corroborating [corroborative] evidence:裏付けとなる証拠

(話者1)Ah, do, does the U.S. have any information *at this point to corroborate the *claims by the Islamic State group that they're responsible for the shooting attack near Dallas on Sunday?(at this point:現時点で claim:主張、声明)
(話者2)Darlene, at this point, this is still *under investigation by the FBI...(under investigation:調査中)

5/5/15: White House Press Briefing


The town was founded as an industrial center by *the De Clare family sometime during the twelfth century and was destroyed in 1400 during *the Owain Glyndwr rebellion.(the De Clare family:クレア家 the Owain Glyndwr rebellion:オワイン・グリンドゥールの反乱)
This is corroborated by the *archaeological findings, which suggest a brief but intensive occupation between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries.(archaeological:考古学の occupation:占領)

Most MYSTERIOUS Archaeological Discoveries In EUROPE!


Just because somebody tells you something and they say it *with confidence, just because they say it with lots of detail, just because they express emotion when they say it, it doesn't mean that it really happened.(with confidence:自信ありげに)
We can't *reliably *distinguish true memories from false memories. We need *independent corroboration.(reliably:確実に distinguish ~ from ...:~ を ... と区別する independent:独立した)

How reliable is your memory? | Elizabeth Loftus


We have a site you can check out, g.co/newslab if you're interested in more, how we work with journalists and collaborate with them on innovative ideas, and projects, and all kinds of stuff.

Ted Koppel: "Lights Out" | Talks at Google






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